Majorityrights Central > Category: Activism

Some Suggestions on Etiquette, or, How to not be a ‘Sewer.’

Posted by Guest Blogger on Saturday, 17 January 2009 07:11.

Some suggestions to commenters and posters, in the interest of making this site a better experience for everyone:


Collective Wisdom

Posted by Guest Blogger on Sunday, 28 December 2008 13:37.

By The Narrator

The following is a “meat and potatoes” type of list illustrating some basic concepts and counterpoints to arguments we commonly see.

We’ve all had experiences linguistically dueling with others, so, by all means, add your own talking points to the list.

1. Don‘t waste your time converting atheists.

It has been said that C.S. Lewis’s classic Christian Apologetic, ‘Mere Christianity’ never converted a true atheist but convinced a multitude of agnostics to finally come off of the fence into the believer’s camp. In regards to the issues surrounding race there are similar divisions of people. Those being, True Believes (us), Racial Agnostics and Racial Atheists.  And as with Lewis’s work being most effective at moving the agnostics, likewise we should concentrate our efforts and arguments towards the Racial Agnostics instead of Racial Atheists, who are likely to reject Racialism no matter how compelling the facts presented.

You can generally distinguish between the two through basic conversation.

2. Basic facts.

Most people have no idea about the demographic predicament the White race is in. So tell them that Whites today are in fact no more than around 13% of the world’s population and dropping fast. And what that means is that minorities (non-Whites) are nearly 90% of the worlds population and growing.  Who is the minority here?

Now if they reply with, “Yeah but non-Whites are a minority in The West (or specific countries therein),” you can point out that that argument is simply compartmentalizing the issue.  Two can play that game.  Blacks are a minority in the United States … yeah, and ... Whites are a minority in the Americas.  Hispanics are a minority in America …. yeah, and … Whites are a minority in Chicago, New York, etc …

And often along the same lines we hear that, “It’s an ever-changing world.”

Well, no.  New Technological toys aside, large swaths of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the middle-east (where the majority of humans live) have seen very little to no change in the last one hundred years (or more).  Only in The West is the ever-changing world, ever-changing.  Other areas have been able to integrate new technologies into theirsocieties without much alteration to their day-to-day lives.


Fighting their discourse with ours

Posted by Guest Blogger on Saturday, 12 July 2008 00:39.

By Bo Sears

We had an executive committee meeting yesterday to discuss the issue of teaching readers how to process these strange, defeatist, misleading essays that populate the mainstream media daily.  The concepts we have developed to that end have been scattered here and there.  This, actually, is the first time we have brought them together in what is, to be fair, a pretty cynical approach to discourse warfare. We hope you find it useful.


One of the difficulties that we have in face-to-face encounters, when we find ourselves under verbal attack, is to be ready with a reasonable strategy. This essay is to address this situation and to provide tools to you to respond effectively.


Watch out for the various memes and themes that float through the Internet intended to guide your thinking. One theme is quite famous, and it laments that “when you call me white boy, I can’t call you black boy, because then you’ll call me a racist.” Any time you read an essay that implicitly or explicitly tells you that you cannot answer back for any reason is a fraud, floated by our demographic adversaries to help silence us. You will see that meme frequently, and it can usually be summed up by saying, “I’ve been silenced, there is no way to break into the sphere of propaganda that surrounds me and drowns us.” It’s designed for you to incorporate it into your own thinking.


“Modeling” is a verbal or written phrase or sentence meant to be implanted into your mind to tell you how to conduct yourself in a variety of situations. You see a modeling exercise any time you read a news story about the white victim of a hate crime forgiving the perpetrator—it’s just to plant an idea in our minds about how to act in difficult situations. Same goes for many sit-com plots and characters. They’re played out the way they are in order to teach us how to act. Modeling is a very powerful tool that our adversaries have mastered and which the diverse white American peoples are mostly completely unaware of. Now that you know its name, you’ll notice modeling all over the Internet.


It is also important to realize that many of our adversaries, especially the ones who seem extremely skilled with the put-down, the short unanswerable phrase, and the cutting shut-up line, study their phrases and lines of argument in college club meetings, ethnic media conferences, consciousness-raising events, and a variety of other events that seem innocent on the surface, but are really nasty little schools for teaching our adversaries how to talk in rapid-fire face-to-face encounters to humiliate us.


Never respond to name-calling with name-calling for two reasons. First, it is important that you never be quoted as using slurs or negative stereotypes in future events. Second, it is completely unnecessary and definitely not part of our diverse white American cultures to do so.


Distinguish in your own mind between winning a rapid-fire face-to-face encounter, on the one hand, and laying out all the facts and history you can, on the other hand, to defeat an attack. If Americans of European origins have a fault, it is to take the insults and derogatory statements on the level of an explicit serious public discourse. Not at all, they are all about winning and humiliating European Americans in the discussion. At Resisting Defamation, we have been frequently surprised by people failing to understand that our online syllabus is a toolbox, rather than a history of the world and the role of European Americans therein. This confusion is understandable because almost all commenters on the dire situation confronting our demographic respond with “global analyses” meaning lengthy web sites that really get into history, culture, who invented what, white contributions, etc. A global analysis is good and interesting, but it is not a toolbox of techniquesto win the implicit battle. European and American histories and cultures can be used as tools, however.


Taking RD to our people

Posted by Guest Blogger on Saturday, 21 June 2008 17:32.

By Bo Sears

MR readers will be aware of the work our organisation,, undertakes and the strategies we employ to combat the flow of routine media slurring and negative depiction of white Americans.

White boy, white privilege, wasp, nerdy, white flight, redneck, hillbilly, cracker, white trash, geek, white bread, lily-white, typical white person, goober, Yankee dog, white resentment, acting white, and Wonder Bread hardly scratch the surface.  But this is a surface beneath which lurks a deep and arrogant hostility and a moral supremacism that we are absolutely determined to scratch.

To that end, and as has been pretty widely discussed elsewhere, we launched a counter-action this month with a full-page ad in a major print medium in Santa Clara County (the fifth largest industrial county in the USA).

Metro is a free weekly advertiser, but enormously popular and widely distributed. It’s distribution is second only to the San Jose Mercury News which has, itself, almost become a thinner tabloid.

The ad, which was headlined A river of sludge from the San Jose Mercury News,  offered white American Metro readers the chance to get a handle on the problem:-

At ResistingDefamation, we believe that a slur-free society is possible, and we have established free two-hour seminars to teach about this river of sludge and how to combat it.

Well, over 220 email responses have followed.  So we are sorting them and setting up 27 sessions to service demand!  We’ll have desktop computers, an after-hours cop, and up to 10 people present at each seminar.  We’ll cover negative stereotypes and slurs first and in that order, then 90 mins of discussion, etc.  The seminars start this week.  They have excited a good deal of comment, but not in the daily newspaper.

The ad will be re-tooled and re-run every month until Christmas.

We did send the actual page from the hard-copy edition to the eighteen top corporate officers in Colorado so they know about it.  And we complained to the county Board of Supervisors about our having to do this when they have an Office of Human Relations which is supposed to do these things.

Not that we don’t think we can’t do a far better job.

Humour as a Weapon

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 08 May 2008 12:16.

I wouldn’t normally run two pieces sent to me by Welf Herfurth in quite such proximity.  But this one by Andreas Faust, a Tasmanian writer of the New Right, gave me a good laugh, and reminded me that political activism is often most effective when it is most irreverent.

This article has been researched and compiled for the purposes of educating New Right and N-A activists in the use of humour as a political weapon. There is a paranoid feeling amongst many on the New Right that the mass media is our greatest enemy. Not so. This article looks at the ways in which activists can use and manipulate the media, rather than the other way around.

As an example: mention the 1932 opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge to any older Australian, and the first image that will spring to their mind is a man on horseback, galloping forward to slash the ribbon with his sword, before the ‘official’ representative could get to it. The swordsman was a member of a political group called the New Guard. And while this stunt was not especially humorous, it was certainly eye-catching – it remains in the mass mind to this day. In that same city in 2007, the crew of television show The Chaser made world headlines when they infiltrated the APEC forum (one of them dressed as Osama bin Laden), making a complete mockery of the forum’s expensive security measures.

In general, the media doesn’t give coverage to alternative politics (the recent 9/11 Truth Forum in Sydney was completely ignored, even though one of the speakers was a prominent Japanese MP). But ‘fringe’ views can get past the editors if they are presented by means of some humorous prank or stunt. Humour equals saleability…it’s as simple as that. People like to laugh, and the editors know it. For the mass media, the dollar is the bottom line…and the skilled prankster can actually make this work in his or her favour. A prankster called Mark Pauline claimed that “the media can never deny coverage to a good spectacle. No matter how ridiculous, absurd, insane or illogical something is, if it achieves a certain identity as a spectacle, the media has to deal with it.” In other words, instead of letting the mainstream media pigeonhole and stereotype them, activists using humour and spectacle can turn this around and actually use the media.


People Before Profits - the May Day March in Melbourne

Posted by Guest Blogger on Monday, 05 May 2008 12:25.

By Welf Herfurth

The global May Day events by workers the world over stand for the rights of the people to determine their own destiny as workers or students, it also stands against Corporations and Government standing over working families struggling to make a living. To demonstrate our support for a fair go for Australian workers, some local National-Anarchists decided to mobilise in the Melbourne CBD and join the planned march.

We had discussed our aims and tactics a week or so previous to the date of action and comrades were designated tasks. Our banner was designed and made with the help of a local fabric business and read “People Before Profits,” the people are more than worker bee’s or economic beings, we have an identity and spirit much deeper than our careers or petty consumerism.


Once the day arrived, we met at a designated location with time before the march to discuss in more detail what our “plan of action” would be. The conversation became more casual as we waited for the neo-Communist and Unionist groups to begin their march from Trades Hall. Our main goal was to make a presence representing National-Anarchist ideas in support of struggling working folk, our secondary aim fell in line with the Strategy of Tension; showing the traditional Left that they no longer had a monopoly on their sacred May Day and we have as much a right as they do to march.



The Tyranny of Individualism in a Liberal Democratic Society

Posted by Guest Blogger on Tuesday, 20 November 2007 22:32.

by Welf Herfurth

(This article contains one sick photo. I included it in the article to show how perverted society has become, at least in my opinion - Welf Herfurth)


1. Introduction

This is an article divided up, roughly, into two halves. The first concerns liberalism, or what liberalism has become. It details a transition in liberalism – from a cult of elections and parliaments, to a cult of doing your own thing (even if that involves sexual and other debauchery). The second half outlines what I consider to be the New Right antidote to the poison of modern liberalism, and explores some of the ideas of a liberal democratic anti-intellectual, Karl Löwenstein, who, in 1937, wrote a paper describing some of the political techniques used by the fascist political movements of the time. Some of those techniques are still being used by nationalists around the world (Hungary, Sweden, Russia, Britain, etc.), and, in my opinion, we in Australia can apply them equally as successfully here.

2. What is liberalism really?

Nowadays, one can read, in the Western liberal democratic press, daily denunciations of General Musharaff of Pakistan and the Burmese Junta. The two dictatorships have attracted media attention recently because of their flagrant crackdowns on ‘liberal democratic’ political opponents (or at least, opponents who the Western media assumes are liberal democratic).

Now and then, other dictatorships and/or authoritarian regimes will occupy the spotlight. One recent case is Georgia, which is led by an American-backed liberal democrat, Mikhail Saakashvili, who came to power through an ‘Orange Revolution’-type coup (nicknamed the ‘Rose Revolution’) in 2003, but is now in danger of being overthrown, and now, as a result, has declared a state of emergency and is using state repression – including tear gas and rubber bullets – to subdue the populace.

A perennial target of the Western media is Vladimir Putin. Despite his massive support among the Russian people, and massive election results in his favor, the Western media still considers him to be ‘undemocratic’ and ‘illiberal’, and upholds his critics – small groups of ‘liberal democratic’ dissidents, who have no popular support, and no agenda beyond being anti-Putin – as being more ‘democratic’, and certainly more morally worthy.

So we have a collection of countries – Burma, Pakistan, Fiji, Russia and others – which are manifestly illiberal and democratic in the eyes of Western liberal democrats. But what is it, exactly, that makes our liberal democracies so good? Why are they preferable to these dictatorships and authoritarian regimes? The answer is, simply, that people in liberal democracies are ‘more free’ – in fact, they are ‘free to do their own thing’.


How to build political mass from scratch

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 19 June 2007 00:33.

An interesting article by Tom Stanwell titled The power of the people was posted today at Welf Herfurth’s quite radical New Right Australia/New Zealand blog.  It offers a means - somewhat alcoholic it’s true - to bypass the usual governmental and crazed-antifa blocks on the development of local nationalist organisations.  Here is the article in full.


1. Introduction

In past articles, we have discussed mass movements and how important mass mobilisation is for building a political base and eventually achieving political power. This really is the question of all politics: how to get a sufficient majority on one’s side in order to carry out one’s political agenda. All politicians, no matter their affiliation or ideology, have to struggle with this. Nationalists are no different. Nationalism, I think, is even more mass-based than conventional liberal-democratic ideologies. It relies on mass force, mass mobilisation, and is democratic (by Carl Schmitt’s definition of democracy). Through people power, and the dictatorship of the democratic mass, nationalists can overturn existing laws and bring about radical constitutional change.

This is easy enough to understand: it is the doing that is the problem. The majority of nationalists, in Australia, at least, are isolated. They exist behind the Internet, find it hard to reach out to nationalists, and certainly cannot build up the numbers to put together a decent demo. So how do we go about building up a mass support base? In this article, I will concentrate on how to form the beginnings of a political movement, starting with the most basic steps. (As Mao Tse-Tung put it, the longest journey starts with the smallest steps). I will be talking about some of the organisational techniques by nationalists in Germany - in particular, those used by the Freie Kameradschaften/Freie Nationalisten(Free Comradeships/Free Nationalists) movements, already detailed, to a certain extent, in Welf Herfurth’s previous article, On Kameradenschaft. This is particularly relevant to the nationalist struggle in Australia because these ideas have been applied in nationalist circles in my capital city with some success. These methods are already being applied, equally successfully, in other capital cities in Australia.

I have often heard other nationalist activists complain that ‘We don’t have the numbers’ that our European comrades are blessed with, and that we lack their organisational élan. Here I say no, it is not the case at all: we do have the numbers in Australia, and we do have grounds for optimism - it is that we are going about it the wrong way. Fortunately for us, the solutions are simple, and easy to apply.


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Existential Issues

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Islamist Threat

Anti-white Media Networks






Historical Re-Evaluation

Controlled Opposition

Nationalist Political Parties


Europeans in Africa

Of Note


Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 22:54. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 16:12. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 14:44. (View)

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James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 23:27. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 23:01. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 22:52. (View)

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James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 17:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 15:20. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 15:01. (View)

Anon commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 13:31. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 12:52. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 09:21. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 05:25. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 23:49. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 23:37. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 23:24. (View)

Anon commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 21:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 20:16. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 18:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 20:43. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 19:16. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 15:33. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:42. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 10:31. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 09:12. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 06:50. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 06:44. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 06:23. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 05:55. (View)

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